Newbury Pharmaceuticals
The annual general meeting of Newbury Pharmaceuticals was held on Wednesday, 10 January 2024. At the meeting 10 771 741 shares were represented, which corresponds to approx. 55 percent of the total number of shares. The summary below shows the resolutions adopted at the AGM. The resolutions were adopted unanimously.
Allocation of the company’s result
The AGM resolved to adopt the income statement and balance sheet for the company as well as the consolidated income statement and consolidated balance sheet for the previous financial year. The board of directors and the managing director were discharged from liability for the same period.
The AGM approved the board’s proposal that the result should be carried forward.
Fees to the board members and the auditors
The AGM agreed on the following fees to the board and the auditors.
Each one of the board members elected by the AGM (and who are not employed in the group) – 60,000 SEK
Fees to the auditors shall be paid in accordance with approved invoices.
Board members, chairman of the board and auditors
Karl Karlsson, Andreas Hedskog, Anil Okay and Johan Strömqvist were re-elected as board members. Karl Karlsson was re-elected as chairman of the board.
Ernst & Young AB was elected as the company’s auditor, with Martin Henriksson as auditor in charge.
Authorization for the board to decide on issue of new shares
The AGM resolved to authorize the board of Newbury Pharmaceuticals AB to decide to issue new shares in the company, in accordance with the board’s proposal.
Datum | 2024-01-10, kl 11:20 |
Källa | MFN |