NeoDynamics to present NeoNavia® at the British Society of Breast Radiology meeting in Belfast on 5-7 November 2023

NeoDynamics will participate in the British Society of Breast Radiology (BSBR) meeting in Belfast on 5-7 November 2023, which is one of the busiest events in the UK breast radiology calendar with representation from most major hospitals in the UK.

NeoDynamics AB (Nasdaq First North Growth Market Stockholm: NEOD. ST), will present the company’s innovative biopsy system, NeoNavia® at the BSBR event where the system will be available for practitioners to try. Initial feedback on the system is very promising with UK radiologists reporting improved control due to the pulse technology. Another reported major benefit is the time saved as it is possible to switch between different needle types within 30 seconds.
“It’s great to finally have the complete system with all three needle options available to demonstrate. We have already secured some initial orders and the BSBR provides the platform to start growing the business in 2024” says Ian Galloway, Country Manager, UK & Ireland.

Datum 2023-11-06, kl 09:20
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