NCAB today closes the acquisition of DVS Global in Italy

The acquisition of DVS in Italy was signed and published on July 22. The financial structure has been finalized and NCAB will close the deal as from today, the 10th of October.

NCAB is taking over the PCB division of DVS, while the previous owners will keep the remaining non-PCB related parts of the former company.

DVS has its headquarter in Bassano del Grappa, Italy, as well as offices in Switzerland, Hong Kong and China and NCAB is taking over 31 employees.

The annual turnover that NCAB is taking over amounted to SEK 230 million in 2023. Sales are directed towards Italian customers in the industrial and automotive sectors. The sourcing is mainly from China. The annual EBITA level in 2023 was close to SEK 40 million.

The purchase price amounted to SEK 200 million with a possible further earnout of a maximum of SEK 45 million.

Datum 2024-10-10, kl 13:42
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