Irish study shows that Monivent Neo Training improves neonatal resuscitation training

The study "Newborn face mask ventilation training using a standardized intervention and respiratory function monitor: a before and after manikin study" was conducted with 412 users in 13 hospitals in Ireland. The aim was to evaluate whether a standardized manikin training using an RFM with simple interface could reduce mask leakage during ventilation. To date, the visual feedback from RFMs has required considerable instruction, time and experience to interpret. The need for improved training on RFM interpretation was emphasized among resuscitators involved in a previous trial, suggesting that a simpler visual interface may facilitate interpretation.

The conclusion of the study, presented in the Archive in Disease in Childhood, Fetal and Neonatal edition, was that the simplicity of Neo Training's color-coded visual display, which uses a traffic light system to depict the expiratory tidal volume, requires minimal training to interpret the feedback, as demonstrated by the short training time. The results from the study were that leak before training was 31% (10-69%) compared to 10% (6-18%) after training. Improvements were also noted for all other ventilation parameters.

"Previous studies have shown that the RFMs available for training and research have been far too complex and presented feedback in a way that was difficult to interpret. This extensive study from Ireland emphasizes the ease of use and simplicity that are essential in Monivent's products and which we have put a lot of effort and care into during development", says Karin Dahllöf, CEO of Monivent.

Datum 2024-02-09, kl 09:30
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