Restated figures according to new group structure in Momentum Group

As previously announced, Momentum Group's operations is divided into the two business areas, Industry and Infrastructure, as of 1 January 2024. As a result of the new Group structure, Momentum Group is adjusting the reporting for the business areas. To enable comparisons with future financial reporting, restated historical figures per quarter and full year for 2022 and 2023 are presented here.

The new Group structure strengthens the conditions for organic and acquired growth in each business area by making better use of the breadth and expertise that has been built up in the Group since the listing last year.

The interim report for the first quarter of 2024 will be the first report with the new structure.

The restated information has been compiled and presented in accordance with Momentum Group's accounting principles as described in Momentum Group's Annual and Sustainability Report for 2022. The restated financial information has not been audited.

The appendix to this press release contains the tables (as PDF and in Excel):

  • Restatement of quarterly summary by business area
  • Restatement of full year segment reporting
Datum 2024-02-15, kl 07:56
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