Momentum Group publishes Annual and Sustainability Report 2023


Momentum Group’s Annual and Sustainability Report 2023 has been published and is now available on the Group’s website.

– 2023 was a transformative year for the Group. Despite the economic turbulence that impacted the market in 2023, our operations remained stable with satisfactory demand during the year. We exceeded all of our financial targets with earnings growth (EBITA) of 30 per cent and profitability (EBITA/WC) of 59 per cent. During the year, we completed 11 acquisitions at the same time as we built up our business development organisation, which created the conditions for the new structure that we launched at the end of 2023, says Ulf Lilius, President and CEO, in the President's statement.

The Annual and Sustainability Report for 2023 is attached to this press release and can be downloaded at

Datum 2024-03-28, kl 09:26
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