Momentum Group acquires KmK Instrument – strengthens its position in measurement technology

Momentum Group has today signed an agreement to acquire 70 per cent of the shares in the group in which KmK instrument AB is the operating company (“KmK”). KmK is a specialist in measurement technology, non-destructive testing and material testing for Swedish industrial customers. KmK will be part of the Infrastructure business area under the Technical Solutions business unit.

“KmK is a good strategic fit for the Technical Solutions business unit with its focus on control, efficiency and reliability. Through its solutions, KmK contributes to ensuring its customers' high quality requirements for its products, thereby minimizing downtime and increasing profitability. With its specialist expertise in measurement technology and calibration, we also see opportunities for collaboration with our existing operations in the field,” says Ola Jönsson, Head of Technical Solutions at Momentum Group.

KmK was founded in 1994 and since then its business has consisted of offering industrial measurement technology of the highest quality, primarily to the Swedish metal, engineering and automotive industries. The company is a distributor of measuring equipment with specialist expertise in measurement technology, material testing and non-destructive testing. They have a wide range of machines, tools and instruments through a number of well-established suppliers and perform calibration services for manual and automated measurement processes. The business is based in Västerås with its own lab, service center and warehouse, had a turnover of approximately SEK 70 million in 2023 and has 16 employees.

KmK will continue to be operated as an independent subsidiary and competence centre under the current management within the Infrastructure business area (business unit Technical Solutions) in accordance with Momentum Group's philosophy of decentralised business responsibility.

“We look forward to becoming part of Momentum Group, with whom we share many of our values. KmK fits well into the Momentum Group model, where 'value before price' is already one of our most important competitive advantages. We are passionate about quality, precision and helping our customers refine their offerings with the help of our solutions. Together with Momentum Group, we can now continue to develop the business further,” say owners Anders Vallenfjord (CEO) and Per-Håkan Kalbhenn, both of whom will remain in KmK after the transaction.

The closing will take place immediately and the acquisition is expected to have a marginal positive impact on Momentum Group's earnings per share during the current financial year. The parent company of the group to which KmK belongs is Spider Technologies AB. Other companies in the group, including the parent company, have no operational activities.

Datum 2024-04-04, kl 12:55
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