Mips' comment regarding Nasdaq Stockholm's disciplinary committee's decision

Nasdaq Stockholm's disciplinary committee has today decided to impose a fine on Mips AB of two annual fees, equivalent to an amount of SEK 1,7m as a result of the company’s information disclosure procedures in connection with a statement from Mips’ CEO Max Strandwitz in an interview with Dagens Industri in September 2022 regarding the current situation on the bike market.

The disciplinary committee was of the opinion that the interview response from Mips, published in Dagens Industri on 12 September 2022, contained insider information and that Mips had breached the rules regarding disclosure of information to the market in article 17 of MAR.

"Mips does not share the disciplinary committee's view as the interview response did not contain any insider information, but merely constituted comments on the general, and well-known to the market, overall market situation without any specific information regarding the effects for Mips, but will of course, despite this, pay the fine," comments Magnus Welander, chairman of the Board Directors of Mips AB.

Datum 2023-07-21, kl 09:40
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