Warrants of series TO5 were subscribed to approximately 79.2 percent and Lumito receives approximately SEK 20.4 million


Lumito AB (publ) ("Lumito" or the "Company") today announces the outcome of the exercise of warrants of series TO5, which were issued in connection to an issue and loan financing during the fourth quarter of 2023. In total, 27,253,935 warrants were exercised, corresponding to approximately 79.2 percent of the total number of outstanding warrants, for subscription of 27,253,935 shares at a subscription price of SEK 0.75 per share. Through the exercise of the warrants Lumito will receive approximately SEK 20.4 million before issuing costs.

The exercise period for the warrants of series TO5 ran during the period from and including May 27, 2024, to and including June 10, 2024. The subscription price per share upon exercise of the warrants of series TO5 was set at 0.75 SEK.

Once again, I am very happy and grateful for the great interest shown by our shareholders. Lumito is now entering the next phase, commercialisation, and will focus more on selling the company’s first product in the coming time, Mattias Lundin, Lumito CEO, comments.

Exercised warrants have been replaced with interim shares (IA), pending registration with the Swedish Companies Registration Office. The interim shares are expected to be converted to shares within approximately three (3) weeks.

Shares, share capital and dilution
Through the exercise of the warrants, the number of shares in Lumito increases by 27,253,935 shares, from 206,437,488 shares to a total of 233,691,423 shares. The share capital will increase by SEK 681,348.375 from SEK 5,160,937.20 to SEK 5,842,285.575. For existing shareholders who did not exercise any warrants, the dilution amounts to approximately 11.7 percent of the number of shares and votes in the Company.

Mangold Fondkommission AB is financial adviser and Advokatfirman Lindahl KB is legal advisor to Lumito in connection with the exercise of the warrants of series TO5.

Datum 2024-06-11, kl 13:00
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