The Promising Results from Lumito’s First International Pilot Study Were Presented at Liverpool Pathology 2023

The results from Lumito's first international pilot study show that it is possible to detect the deposition of immunoglobulin and complement in renal tissue using Lumito's technology. The result confirms the expectations that the study was based around and demonstrates that Lumito's technology has the potential to be established in renal diagnostics.

In May, Lumito's first international pilot study, Utility of Upconversion Nanoparticles Based Immunohistochemistry in Diagnostic Renal Biopsies, was completed in collaboration with Dr Kishore Gopalakrishnan's research group at University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust in the UK, and last week Dr Kishore Gopalakrishnan presented the results in a poster at Liverpool Pathology 2023.

The concept study aimed to compare the conventional method of DAB staining of renal biopsies with Lumito's immunohistochemical (IHC) method based on upconverted nanoparticles.

"UCNP-based IHC has the potential to become established in renal diagnostic practice and further multicentre studies using the full range of diagnostic antibodies is needed.“ comments Dr. Kishore Gopalakrishnan.

"The result is a great confirmation that our technology works and further proof that our technology with UCNPs offers clearer and more detailed tissue images than today's traditional technologies." comments Mattias Lundin.

The company and the research group discuss and plan for the next step in this collaboration.

The poster is available on Lumito's website here.

Datum 2023-07-04, kl 14:40
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