Ola Sandborgh takes office as CEO for Lipum AB today

Lipum AB (publ) is strengthening its leadership when going into phase II by appointing Ola Sandborgh as its new CEO where he takes over the helm from Einar Pontén.

Ola has more than three decades of experience from the pharmaceutical industry where he has worked in leading roles in different commercial, innovation and business development positions in companies such as Pfizer, Sanofi Pasteur MSD and, most recently, as Vice President Immunology & Specialty Care at Swedish Orphan Biovitrum (Sobi). Ola has been leading global cross functional teams as well as coordinating partnerships with numerous of companies, contributing in several early to late-stage development projects and acquiring a significant experience within M&A ́s and DD ́s.

Einar Pontén, who has successfully transformed Lipum into a publicly listed clinical stage company will take a business development role to facilitate a smooth transfer of responsibilities and to support further activities.

“Lipum is a unique company and a very interesting innovative player in the anti-inflammatory field. With a strong scientific background revealing that the novel target molecule BSSL plays an important role in inflammation, Lipum is on an exciting journey. I am delighted to be appointed as CEO and look forward to being leading the team on this path of strong innovation and development to the benefit for patients with inflammatory disorders, which also will create value for the shareholders of Lipum,” says Ola Sandborgh

Datum 2023-12-01, kl 08:45
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