Lipum AB – interim report for the period January-June 2023


Lipum AB (publ) has published the interim report for period January to June for 2023. Below is a summary, a complete report (only in Swedish) is available on the company's website.

CEO Einar Pontén comments: “I am very pleased with this development. We will now accelerate the implementation of our Phase 1 clinical trial.”

Financial summary January - June 2023

  • Net sales: KSEK 0 (0)
  • Result after financial items: -21 122 KSEK (-15 167)
  • Cash and cash equivalents as of June 31: 12 364 KSEK (18 783)

Significant events during the period January - June 2023

  • Carl-Johan Spak was elected as new board member of Lipum AB.
  • Lipum had a consultative meeting with the Swedish Medical Products Agency.
  • Decision on rights issue.

Significant events after the period

  • Capital contribution from rights issue 15.3 MSEK before overheads of 8%.
  • Collaboration with researchers at Karolinska Institute initiated.
  • Publication of a scientific article on BSSL.

CEO Einar Pontén comments on the report in a live webcast on August 31 at 09:00, link.

Datum 2023-08-31, kl 08:00
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