Kjell Group
The Nomination Committee’s proposal for Board of Directors of Kjell Group
The Nomination Committee today announces its proposal for the composition of the Board of Directors ahead of the Kjell Group AB (publ) Annual General Meeting on Wednesday 15 May 2024.
The Board of Directors shall, according to the proposal, consist of seven members.
The Nomination Committee proposes the election of Jan Friedman as new Chairman of the Board, as Ingrid Jonasson Blank will not stand for re-election as Chairman of the Board. The Nomination Committee proposes the re-election of Ingrid Jonasson Blank as Board member and new Vice Chairman and re-election of Fredrik Dahnelius, Simon Larsson, Ola Burmark, Joel Eklund and Sandra Gadd as Board members.
The Nomination Committee consists of:
- Michael Gentili, appointed by FSN Capital (Chairman)
- Joel Eklund, appointed by Familjen Eklund
- Felix Lindberg, appointed by Cervantes Capital
- Ingrid Jonasson Blank, in her role as Chairman of the Board of Kjell Group
The Nomination Committee's complete proposals will be presented in the notice convening the Kjell Group AB Annual General Meeting to be held on Wednesday 15 May 2024.
Datum | 2024-03-15, kl 17:30 |
Källa | MFN |