Kjell Group
Kjell Group AB (Publ) – Interim report Q3, 1 January - 30 September 2024
Focus on market share and efficiency in a cautious market
Third quarter
- Net sales declined 4.1% to MSEK 624.3 (650.8)
- Comparable growth amounted to -3.6% (3.4)
- Gross profit declined 9.7% to MSEK 252.5 (279.7) and the gross margin decreased to 2.6 percentage points to 40.4% (43.0)
- Adjusted EBITA totalled MSEK 21.0 (42.9) and the adjusted EBITA margin was 3.4% (6.6)
- Operating profit amounted to MSEK 14.9 (38.0) and the operating margin to 2.4% (5.8)
- Net profit for the quarter was MSEK 4.2 (25.2)
- Cash flow from operating activities totalled MSEK -12.2 (131.2)
- Earnings per share before and after dilution amounted to SEK 0.13 (0.81)
1 January – 30 September (the period)
- Net sales increased 0.7% to MSEK 1,810.1 (1,797.5)
- Comparable growth amounted to 0.5% (-4.5)
- Gross profit declined 4.2% to MSEK 742.4 (775.1) and the gross margin decreased to 2.1 percentage points to 41.0% (43.1)
- Adjusted EBITA totalled MSEK 15.7 (51.7) and the adjusted EBITA margin was 0.9% (2.9)
- The company’s operating loss amounted to MSEK -6.5 (profit: 37.5) and the operating margin to -0.4% (2.1)
- The net loss for the period amounted to MSEK -35.9 (-0.1)
- Cash flow from operating activities totalled MSEK -4.2 (102.4)
- Earnings per share before and after dilution amounted to SEK -1.15 (-0.00)
Significant events during and after the end of the quarter
- No significant events took place during or after the quarter
“The quarter has been characterised by an intense campaign-driven market, which we are navigating through activities focused on strengthening Kjell's position in the market”, says Andreas Rylander, CEO Kjell Group.
Webcast in connection with the publication of the interim report
Andreas Rylander, President and CEO, and Thomas Pehrsson, CFO, will hold a webcast in connection with the publication of the interim report at 10:00 a.m. on 24 Oktober 2024. To participate in the conference, follow the link https://ir.financialhearings.com/kjell-group-q3-report-2024. The presentation material is available on the Group’s website: https://www.kjellgroup.com/investerare/finansiella-rapporter/.
Interim reports
The complete interim report for January–September 2024 and earlier reports are available on www.kjellgroup.com
Datum | 2024-10-24, kl 07:00 |
Källa | MFN |