Intellego Technologies

Update on Intellego’s collaboration with Radical Clean Solutions International

Intellego Technologies AB (publ) have today received several questions about an article in Swedish newspaper Dagens Industri regarding Intellego’s long term collaboration with Radical Clean Solutions International.

“The collaboration, which will commence in Europe and Asia Pacific, is progressing well and as previously communicated”, says Stuart Elson at Radical Clean Solutions International and Claes Lindahl at Intellego Technologies.

The multi-year partnership will see RCSI use its global network to the benefit of Intellego's bottom line and vice-versa and will see significant revenues for both companies who are bringing their respective strengths firmly to the table.

Radical Clean Solutions International is a brand owned by Global Development Partnership Limited (GDPL). GDPL sells the Radical Clean Solutions branded products outside the US market while Radical Clean Solutions focus on the North American market.

Intellego reconfirms that the previously communicated financial targets are unchanged and that the Q2 report will be published on the 24th of August.

Datum 2023-08-18, kl 15:25
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