Nomination Committee Appointed ahead of 2025 Annual General Meeting in Impact Coatings


As resolved by the AGM, the nomination committee of Impact Coatings shall comprise three members representing the company’s largest shareholders in terms of votes, together with the Chairman of the Board as an adjunct member. If any of the three largest shareholders decides not to exercise the right to appoint a representative on the nomination committee, the right is passed on to the next largest shareholder.

The nomination committee for the AGM 2025 in Impact Coatings consists of:
   Kai Tavakka, Chairman, appointed by Accendo Capital SICAV RAIF
   Joseph Boadi-Darkwah, appointed by Hyundai Motor Company
   Hans Österberg, private investor
   Mark Shay, Chairman of the Board, adjunct member

The AGM will be held in Linköping on May 21, 2025. The proposals of the nominating committee will be published in the invitation to the AGM and will be made available on the company website,

Shareholders who wish to submit proposals to the nomination committee may do so via e-mail to no later than February 1, 2025.

Datum 2024-10-28, kl 09:40
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