Impact Coatings Receives Follow-on Order from SEKSUN for INLINECOATER IC2000 for Fuel Cell Coatings


Impact Coatings AB (publ) has received a system order for an INLINECOATER™ IC2000 from SEKSUN Technology (Suzhou) Co., Ltd., a Chinese manufacturer of high-precision metal parts for the automotive industry. The system will be used for coating metal bipolar plates for fuel cells. Impact Coatings received an initial IC2000 order for delivery to SEKSUN in 2023, which was delivered during Q4 2023. Delivery of the second IC2000 system is planned for 2024. The order value is in the EUR 2 million range.

“This order is further proof of the ongoing build-up of a supply chain for fuel cells in China, primarily for mobility applications,” said Yaowen Wang, Regional President China at Impact Coatings.

Datum 2024-05-14, kl 12:30
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