The Nomination Committee's proposal regarding the Board of Directors of Humana for the 2024 AGM


Humana's Nomination Committee prior to the 2024 AGM consists of Fredrik Strömholm, appointed by Impilo Care AB (Chairman of the Nomination Committee), Alexander Kopp, appointed by Incentive AS, Richard Torgerson, appointed by Nordea Funds, Anette Andersson, appointed by SEB Investment Management AB and Anders Nyberg, Humana's Chairman of the Board.

Since the autumn of 2023, The Nomination Committee has been working to evaluate the work and composition of the Board.

The Nomination Committee proposes re-election of the Board members Grethe Aasved, Carolina Oscarius Dahl, Monica Lingegård, Leena Munter, Anders Nyberg, Ralph Riber and Fredrik Strömholm. The Nomination Committee proposes that Anders Nyberg be elected Chairman of the Board.

"In 2023, several strong new members were recruited to Humana's Board of Directors, and we see great value in having continuity on the Board to support Humana's continued development in several areas, not least in terms of quality and good treatment results in the care that Humana provides," says Fredrik Strömholm, Chairman of the Nomination Committee.

The Nomination Committee's other proposals for the AGM on May 7, 2024, and the statement on the proposed Board will be available on the company's website in connection with the publication of the notice convening the AGM.

For more information, please contact:

Fredrik Strömholm, Director of the Board and Chair of the Nomination Committee, +46 76-115 1065,

Ewelina Pettersson, Head of Investor Relations, +46 73-074 79 12,

Datum 2024-02-02, kl 15:44
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