HANZA is moved up to Nasdaq Mid Cap

As a consequence of the company's continued increase in market value, HANZA is now taking the step from the Small Cap to the Mid Cap segment.

"The move to Mid Cap is further proof of a working business model. We are proud of our company's strong history and look forward to continuing to develop in the coming years", says Erik Stenfors, CEO of HANZA.

HANZA was listed on the Small Cap segment on March 25, 2019, and has since then experienced very strong growth, both organically and through acquisitions. At the time of the listing, HANZA had an annual turnover of SEK 1.8 billion. In the interim report for the third quarter of 2023, HANZA reported a rolling 12-month turnover of over SEK 4 billion. In December this year, HANZA completed an acquisition that brings HANZA's pro forma turnover to over SEK 5 billion. 

The change from Small Cap to Mid Cap comes as a result of Nasdaq's annual review of the market value of listed companies. The Mid Cap segment includes companies with a market capitalization of between EUR 150 million and EUR 1 billion.

The shares will be traded with both an unchanged short name and ISIN code.

Datum 2023-12-20, kl 08:50
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