Announcement from extraordinary general meeting in Goodbye Kansas Group AB


Goodbye Kansas Group AB ("Company") has today, on June 13, 2024, held an extraordinary general meeting (“EGM”) which was also a second control meeting. The EGM decided that the Company will continue to operate and that the Company will thereby not be liquidated. Notice of the EGM as well as full proposals are available on the company’s website,

Presentation of control balance sheet
The control balance sheet as of April 30, 2024, was presented at the EGM as well as the auditor’s statement on the control balance sheet and documentation according to the Swedish Companies’ Act Ch. 25 § 4 (2005:551) which showed that the Company’s equity has been restored.

Decision on whether the Company will continue its operations or be liquidated
The EGM decided, in line with the Board’s proposal, that the Company will continue to operate, and that the Company will not be liquidated.

For more information, please contact:
Stefan Danieli, CEO, Goodbye Kansas Group
Tel: +46 701 981049

Goodbye Kansas Group
Goodbye Kansas Group AB (publ) is a leading supplier of technology-driven visual content and develops solutions for visual effects (VFX), animation, game trailers and In-Game. The Group has some of the world’s leading entertainment companies as customers. Goodbye Kansas Group has its head office in Stockholm and is listed on Nasdaq First North Growth Market with Wildeco as Certified Adviser.

Datum 2024-06-13, kl 10:45
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