Gapwaves awarded funding by Vinnova for advanced radar sensor front-end modules and solutions

Gothenburg, May 31, 2024: Gapwaves has received funding from Vinnova for a project aimed at developing advanced radar sensor front-end modules and solutions for increased road safety. This three-year project will be executed by a consortium including Gapwaves, Chalmers University of Technology, Klimator, Magna Electronics Sweden, RISE Processum, and Sensrad. The total grant of MSEK 14.5 will be shared among the participating organizations, with Gapwaves receiving MSEK 3.

Gapwaves R&D Director, Nils Dagås, comments: “We are very happy to receive yet another funding for a new project. This project will develop novel antenna solutions for automotive radars both for 77 GHz and future sensors operating at 140 GHz as well as strengthening the cooperation between the partners in the project". 

Datum 2024-05-31, kl 08:00
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