Nomination committee appointed ahead of 2025 Annual General Meeting of G5 Entertainment AB (publ)


In accordance with the resolution of the Annual General Meeting 2024, a Nomination Committee has been appointed consisting of representatives of the five largest shareholders at the end of August 2024.

The Nomination Committee consists of the following members:

  • Jeffrey Rose (representing Wide Development Limited)
  • Petter Nylander (representing Purple Wolf Limited)
  • Tommy Svensk (representing Tommy Svensk)
  • Sergey Shults (representing Proxima Limited)
  • Daniel Eriksson (representing Daniel Eriksson)

The members of the Nomination Committee will appoint a Committee Chairman at their first meeting.

Shareholders wishing to submit proposals to G5 Entertainment's nomination committee may do so by mail to G5 Entertainment AB (publ), Nybrogatan 6, 5th Floor, 114 34 Stockholm, Sweden or by e-mail to Please note that proposals must be received by the nomination committee by February 3, 2025.

Datum 2024-10-11, kl 14:00
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