Formpipe Software AB carries out directed share issue in connection with acquisition


The reasons for the share issue and the deviation from the shareholders' preferential rights are that the Company has acquired Dictymatec SARL. In connection with the acquisition, the Company has undertaken to make payment partly in the form of newly issued shares in the Company.

The subscription price has been determined according to the acquisition agreement at just over 28.56 Swedish kronor per share. The basis for the subscription price is the volume-weighted average price of Formpipe's share on Nasdaq Stockholm during the period from April 4, 2024, to April 10, 2024.

The share issue is directed to the seller Laurent Valatx. Payment is made through offsetting the seller's claim on the Company.

The share issue increases the total number of shares and votes in the Company by 40,296 shares and votes from 54,217,825 shares and votes to 54,258,121 shares and votes. The share capital increases by 4,029.60 Swedish kronor to 5,425,812.10 Swedish kronor. The share issue entails a dilution of the share capital and voting rights of approximately 0.07 percent.

"Formpipe is making this small but strategically important acquisition to increase our presence in the French, Spanish, and Latin American markets. Dictymatec also has experience with, among other things, the ERP system SAP, which gives Formpipe the opportunity to evaluate the attractiveness of our offering there," says Magnus Svenningson, CEO of Formpipe.

Datum 2024-04-29, kl 17:30
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