Changes in Formpipe's organization.


"I intend to lead Formpipe into a new phase of growth. I see great advantages in one organization for our business that target the public sector. The business logic is the same across the national borders. The merger creates clarity and focus. We have a strong market position in both Denmark and Sweden. When we join forces, we can free up resources for customer dialogue, innovation and development. We will consolidate our leading market position in our areas of expertise. It will benefit our customers and their needs", says Magnus Svenningson, CEO Formpipe.

Thomas à Porta, who is currently Business Area Manager for Public Denmark, has been appointed Executive Vice President and Head of the new combined Business Area Public. Thomas has extensive experience from leading roles in the IT industry and has been employed by Formpipe since 2012. 

Michael Rogers, who has been acting head of business area Private since April, has been appointed Executive Vice President and Head of the Private business area with a clear mission to expand Lasernet globally. Michael has over 20 years of commercial experience with Formpipe's products and has been employed by the company since 2019.

Formpipe thus starts 2024 with a new segment reporting as of January 1. 

The Group's segments are divided based on the customer groups they address.

  • The Public segment have its customers in the Nordic public sector.
  • The Private segment gathers the Group's offers that target customers outside the public sector and are not tied to a specific geographic market.
  • Segment Other includes the Group's older products that are not included in any of the other segments, as well as the Group's over-head costs.
Datum 2023-12-12, kl 16:00
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