ExpreS2ion to receive approximately SEK 22.5 million dividend payment from AdaptVac ApS


The dividend follows AdaptVac's receipt of a EUR 10 million milestone payment from Bavarian Nordic A/S related to completion in 2023 of the Phase III clinical trial of the ABNCoV2 COVID-19 vaccine, which was licensed to Bavarian Nordic. The ABNCoV2 program, in which ExpreS2ion played a key role, has not only resulted in this significant dividend payment but has also provided clinical Phase III validation of ExpreS2ion's ExpreS2 platform for protein production and AdaptVac's VLP technology.

"Completion of the Phase III clinical trial and this dividend payment is a testament to the success of our collaborative approach when advancing innovative vaccine candidates," said Bent U. Frandsen, CEO of ExpreS2ion Biotech. "We are proud to have contributed to the development of the ABNCoV2 vaccine and highly motivated by the potential of the ExpreS2 platform. This dividend payment strengthens our financial position to continue driving innovation in vaccine development and beyond," added Mr. Frandsen.

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Svensk Kapitalmarknadsgranskning AB

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Datum 2024-04-23, kl 14:20
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