ExpreS2ion to present in upcoming investor events

By attending relevant industry and investor events, the company aims to increase the awareness of its technology platform and its exciting development pipeline. More information on each event and how to register is found below and on the Company’s website and via the links below.

12 September 2024 | Investing in Life Science: From Seed to Success, hosted by BioStock and Vator Securities
08:00 – 16:35 CET | Stockholm, Sweden
The event caters to life science companies and investors, who will gain insight from each other and engage in thought-provoking discussions.

CEO Bent Frandsen with present at 11:00 CET. For more information and to register, please visit the event website.

17 September 2024 | Danish Stock Seminar for Institutional Investors, hosted by HC Andersen Capital
08:00 – 16:55 | Copenhagen, Denmark
HC Andersen Capital introduces a forum to bring together Danish companies and institutional investors.

CEO Bent Frandsen with present at 9:30 CET. For more information and to register, please contact HC Andersen Capital.

Certified Adviser
Svensk Kapitalmarknadsgranskning AB

Datum 2024-09-10, kl 14:00
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