ExpreS2ion to participate in upcoming events

By attending relevant industry and investor events, the company aims to increase the awareness of its technology platform and its exciting development pipeline. More information on each event and how to register is found below and on the Company’s website.

16-19 October 2023 | World Vaccine Congress Europe
Barcelona, Spain (In-person and virtual)
Dr Farshad Guirakhoo, Chief Scientific Officer, presents as invited speaker. Presentation title: “Preclinical proof of concept for a novel VLP-based vaccine candidate for treatment of HER2+ breast cancers.”

More about the event at: https://www.terrapinn.com/conference/world-vaccine-congress-europe

6-8 November 2023 | Conference on Vaccines Research & Development
Baltimore, Maryland, USA (In-person and virtual)
Dr Farshad Guirakhoo, Chief Scientific Officer, presents as invited speaker and will attend (virtually) Baltimore, MS, MA and present. Presentation title: “Preclinical proof of concept for a novel VLP-based vaccine candidate for treatment of HER2+ breast cancers“.

More about the event at: Vaccines Research & Development Conference | Vaccines Conferences | Vaccines R&D (unitedscientificgroup.org)

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Svensk Kapitalmarknadsgranskning AB

Datum 2023-10-12, kl 15:30
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