ExpreS2ion CEO interviewed, CFO provides update at life science investor conference, Analysguiden publishes research report

An interview with CEO Bent Frandsen, hosted by Finwire, and a presentation by CFO Keith Alexander at the Økonomisk Ugebrev Life Science Investor Conference on 22 November 2023, can both be found on the presentations page of the ExpreS2ion investor website.

The Analysguiden report dives deeper into the Company’s strategic changes and comments on a potential dividend payment related to milestones from the ABNCoV2 COVID-19 vaccine, the “post-covid” strategy, especially as it relates to the ES2B-C001 breast cancer vaccine asset, updates to the malaria programs and valuation, including an analysis of ExpreS2ion’s holding in AdaptVac ApS. Analysguiden revised its price target to SEK 2.20 per share. The research report is available on the Analyst Reports page of ExpreS2ion’s investor website.

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Svensk Kapitalmarknadsgranskning AB

Datum 2023-11-27, kl 13:30
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