ExpreS2ion announces poster presentation on the use of glycoengineered Drosophila S2 cells for production of highly immunogenic antigens at the ESACT meeting

The presentation poster titled "Use of glycoengineered Drosophila S2 cells for production of highly immunogenic antigens" showcases novel glyco-modified versions of the ExpreS2 platform (GlycoX-S2™) enabling enhanced immunogenicity of vaccines. It concludes, that:

  • Modified recombinant antigens with high-mannose or xylosylated N-glycans produced significantly higher antibody titers in immunized mice compared to antigens with S2 wildtype N-glycans.
  • Although presenting antigens on virus-like particles substantially enhances immunogenicity, a similar effect can be achieved through glycomodification of the soluble antigen.
  • Both approaches resulted in high antibody titers and their neutralizing capabilities were shown in the virus neutralisation assay for high-mannose antigen.

A copy of the poster can be found at the company webpage www.expres2ionbio.com/events-list/.

Datum 2024-06-24, kl 15:00
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