Regulatory approvals granted for the public offer in Essity's subsidiary Vinda

On December 15, 2023, Essity announced that Isola Castle Ltd, a company indirectly wholly owned by Asia Pacific Resources International Limited (APRIL), has announced that it will make a pre-conditional public offer to the shareholders of Vinda International Holdings Limited (Vinda) to acquire the shares in Vinda for a price per share of HKD 23.50. Essity supports the offer and has signed an irrevocable undertaking to accept the offer in respect of all of its 51.59% shareholding in Vinda. The price in the public offer will correspond to an equity value of Vinda of approximately HKD 28.3bn (SEK 37.3bn). The transaction is expected to generate cash proceeds to Essity of approximately HKD 15bn (SEK 19bn). 

Datum 2024-03-04, kl 15:59
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