Egetis’ Investor Day on December 19: Agenda and Registration Details

Stockholm, Sweden, December 14, 2023. Egetis Therapeutics AB (publ) (Nasdaq Stockholm: EGTX) today announced the Agenda and Registration Details for the Company’s Investor Day on Tuesday December 19, 2023, in Stockholm, Sweden, for investors, analysts and media.
Time: Tuesday, December 19, 2023, at 3:00 pm - 6:00 pm CET (9:00 am – 12:00 pm ET)
Venue: Redeye, Mäster Samuelsgatan 42, Stockholm, Sweden
Registration (to attend in person): Please register by email to
Webcast (no preregistration required): Please follow this link
During the event, the Company will provide an update and review of its strategy and pipeline prospects. The presentations will focus on the Company’s drug candidate Emcitate (tiratricol) and the related unmet medical need it will address, development plans, commercial opportunities, and additional activities to create and enhance long-term shareholder value. Presentations will be made by members of Egetis’ management team, as well as invited key opinion leaders. Presentations will be held in English. The webcast will also be available on Egetis webpage after the event.

Time (CET)SubjectPresenter(s)
15:00Welcome, Corporate strategy and overviewNicklas Westerholm, CEO
15:15Development of Emcitate for MCT8 deficiency patientsWesterholm
15:30MCT8 deficiency and the unmet medical needDr Andrew Bauer, CHOP, Philadelphia, PA
15:50Q&ABauer & Westerholm
16:00Global plans for commercializing EmcitateHenrik Krook, VP Commercial
16:15Understanding MCT8 deficiency patients’ & caregivers’ needsNigel Nicholls, Global Patient Advocacy Director
16:30Improving disease awareness of MCT8 deficiencyPeter Verwaijen, Global Head of Marketing & Brand Strategy
16:45US launch preparations for EmcitateAnny Bedard, President Egetis North America
17:00Q&AKrook, Nicholls, Verwaijen, Bedard, Westerholm
17:30RTH-beta and the unmet medical needDr Carla Moran, University College Dublin
17:50Q&AMoran & Westerholm
18:00Concluding remarksNicklas Westerholm, CEO


Datum 2023-12-14, kl 15:15
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