Albert and Nordic Wellness enter into a partnership to encourage children to be physically active

eEducation Albert ("Albert"), a leading Nordic EdTech player, is now entering into a partnership with Nordic Wellnes, the largest fitness chain in the Nordic region. The collaboration aims to reach and inspire more children and young people to combine physical activity with learning. The collaboration is expected to attract new customers for both companies.

Nordic Wellness is the Nordic region's largest fitness chain with over 500,000 members and a customer base that includes a large number of members with children. In 2022, the fitness chain expanded its range with children's classes for children between 2-16 years, which is also a target group that matches Albert's well.

Through the partnership, both companies will benefit from each other's well-established brands and customer bases, which is expected to lead to increased organic growth. The collaboration begins on the Swedish market with Nordic Wellness children's classes and the fitness chain's customers will also receive an exclusive offer from Albert.
"We see great opportunities in the collaboration and it is about inspiring children and young people to move and highlighting the positive effects that physical activity has on learning. We also know that many parents bring their children to the gym and Albert is a perfect activity on site in terms of knowledge and entertainment at the same time. We are excited about the collaboration and look forward to getting started!", says Kajsa Lernestål, Head of Marketing at Albert. 
"We at Nordic Wellness are proud of our collaboration with Albert. It is important to train both body and mind, which is a good synergy between our companies. Together we improve the health in Sweden!", says Amanda Lundgren, Marketing Communicator at Nordic Wellness.

Datum 2023-08-31, kl 09:00
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