Duni Group's 2023 Annual and Sustainability Report is now available online


Duni Group announces that the company's complete Annual- and Sustainability Report for 2023, in English and Swedish, is now available at the company’s website under the heading Investors – Reports and presentations https://www.dunigroup.com/investors/reports-presentations/.

The Annual General Meeting will be held May 21, 2024. Shareholders can exercise their voting rights at the Annual General Meeting also by postal voting. For more information, visit the website. 

For more information, please contact:

Magnus Carlsson, EVP Finance/CFO, +46 40-10 62 00, magnus.carlsson@duni.com                         
Katja Margell, IR and Communications Director, +46 76-819 83 26,

Duni Group is a market leader in sustainable dining and food packaging solutions for the restaurant market. The Group markets and sells its products under primarily the brands Duni, BioPak and Paper+Design, which are represented in more than 40 markets. Duni Group has around 2,400 employees in 22 countries, its headquarters in Malmö and production units in Sweden, Germany, Poland and Thailand. Duni Group is listed on NASDAQ Stockholm under the ticker “DUNI”. Its ISIN code is SE0000616716. Dunigroup.com

Datum 2024-04-18, kl 16:40
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