Clinics in the US can now purchase Tinearity G1 through a national trading platform

Duearity Americas Inc has entered into a partnership with a national distributor in the USA that has a unique digital trading platform for products in the field of hearing health. The distributor has evaluated Tinearity G1 and is now offering Tinearity G1 to clinics throughout the United States.

The distribution company Oaktree Products has evaluated Tinearity G1 and has decided that the product should be included in the company's trading platform, which means that the product can be sold and distributed to clinics throughout the United States. The advantage for Duearity is, firstly, that the distributor is licensed in all states. Secondly, the distributor has high trust among clinics, which puts a stamp of quality on Duearity as a company and Tinearity G1 as a product. Thirdly, the collaboration means that clinics can easily order Tinearity G1 on Oaktree's trading platform. As a consequence, this means a simplified distribution chain where the product is sent directly to clinics via Oaktree. Oaktree Products only sells products in the field of ear and hearing health and only to professionals and clinics.

Duearity Americas Inc are involved in negotiations with more distributors in the US. The goal is to enter into a second distributor agreement during the first quarter of 2024 with a company that has a well-developed sales organization in the US and that covers important sales channels in the country.

Datum 2024-02-06, kl 08:53
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