Thursday, 30 May 2024 at 09:00 am (CET)

On 30 May 2024 at 09:00 am (CET), the annual general meeting of 2024 was held in the Company at the Company’s address, Rugvænget 5, 6823 Ansager, Denmark.

The agenda for the annual general meeting was as follows:

              1. The chairman’s report on the activities of the Company in the past financial year
              2. Adoption of the annual report for 2023
              3. Covering of loss pursuant to the adopted annual report for 2023
              4. Election of members of the Board of Directors
              5. Election of auditor
              6. Proposals from the Board of Directors
    1. Proposed resolution regarding the level of remuneration to the Board of Directors for the financial year 2024
  1. Proposals from shareholders
  2. Miscellaneous

Lawyer Michael Kristensen was appointed chairman of the meeting pursuant to clause 11.20 of the Company’s articles of association.

The chairman of the meeting announced that the general meeting had been duly convened, as the notice of the annual general meeting was given on 15 May 2024. The chairman of the meeting described the formal requirements with respect to the notice and concluded that these were met.

The maximum number of votes on the general meeting was 166,627,989 votes and a total of 3,550,000 votes were represented divided between 3,500,000 votes by post (written votes) and 50,000 votes by those shareholders in physical attendance.

The chairman concluded that the general meeting formed a quorum with respect to the agenda.

Re 1

Carsten Trads, chairman of the board of directors, and Jeppe Krog Rasmussen, CEO, gave a report of the activities of the Company during the past year, 2023. During the report, questions from attending shareholders were answered.

The report was duly noted by the general meeting.

Re 2

The Board of Directors proposed that the annual report for 2023 is adopted.

Peter Søndergaard, CFO, presented the annual report for 2023 and provided a number of comments relating to the report.

The annual report for 2023 was adopted unanimously.

Re 3

The Board of Directors proposed that the loss for the financial year 2023 of tDKK 62,260 is carried forward to the next financial year in accordance with the adopted annual report.

This proposal, that the loss for the financial year 2023 of tDKK 62,260 is carried forward to the next financial year in accordance with the annual report for 2023, was adopted unanimously.

Re 4

The Board of Directors proposed re-election of all existing board members:

  • Carsten Trads
  • Christian Carlsen
  • Jeppe Krog Rasmussen

Carsten Trads, Christian Carlsen and Jeppe Krog Rasmussen were re-elected as board members by uncontested election.

Re 5

The Board of Directors proposed re-election of Deloitte Statsautoriseret Revisionspartnerselskab, CVR-no. 33 96 35 56, Værkmestergade 2, 18., 8000 Aarhus C, as the Company’s auditor.

Deloitte Statsautoriseret Revisionspartnerselskab was re-elected as the Company’s auditor by uncontested election.

Re 6a)

The Board of Directors proposed the following level of remuneration to the Board of Directors for the financial year 2024:

Position Annual fee (DKK)
Chairman 240,000
Vice chairman 180,000
Board member 120,000

The proposed remuneration is in addition to any economic benefit to the board members pursuant to existing warrant programs.

The proposed resolution was adopted unanimously.

Re 7

No proposals from shareholders were received.

Re 8

There were no questions or comments under this item on the agenda.

There was no other business to be attended.


The meeting was closed.

Chairman of the meeting:

Michael Kristensen

Datum 2024-05-30, kl 12:15
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