Corem Property Group AB (publ) cancels bonds

Corem Property Group AB (publ) ("Corem") has cancelled repurchased bonds under Corem’s bond loan with ISIN SE0015192521 (senior unsecured floating rate green bonds 2020/2024) (the ”Bond Loan”) in the total amount of SEK 647,500,000. The Bond Loan has a final maturity on 29 April 2024. The cancellation of repurchased bonds is made in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Bond Loan and, after the cancellation, the Total Nominal Amount under the Bond Loan is SEK 1,002,500,000.

Corem Property Group AB (publ)

Rutger Arnhult, CEO, +46 70 458 24 70, 
Eva Landén, deputy CEO, +46 10 482 76 50,

Corem Property Group AB (publ)
Address: P.O. Box 56085, SE-102 17 Stockholm
Visitors: Riddargatan 13 C 556463-9440


This press release is in all respects a translation of the Swedish original press release. In the event of any discrepancies between this translation and the Swedish original, the latter shall prevail.

Datum 2024-04-19, kl 13:30
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