The first patients are being treated with Ozilia in Germany

Chordate Medical has now completed the training of clinic staff and assisted in the initiation of treatment for the first three patients at the private clinic in Hamburg, which is the first commercial customer in Germany for Ozilia® migraine treatment. Chordate and the clinic signed an agreement in November 2023 for the installation of Chordate's drug-free alternative for preventive migraine treatment.

"Our application specialist, Petra Libert, has trained doctors and nurses at the clinic, after which three patients have started the initial series of six weekly Ozilia® treatments. After successful work by one of our two market experts in Germany, it is very satisfying that the first clinic with privately paying patients has started," says Anders Weilandt.

Germany's migraine and headache care is among the most well-developed in Europe, which is one reason it is one of Chordate's focus markets.

"Our German colleagues are working on several prospects that hopefully can yield results in the near future. The company's ambition for the German market is to eventually establish individual insurance reimbursement for the treatment. This is an important first step to further scale up sales."

Read more: Chordate Medical receives its first installation of the Ozilia migraine treatment at a private clinic in Hamburg

Datum 2024-01-10, kl 10:00
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