Great Interest in Ozilia™ Migraine at the Deutsche Schmerzkongress 2023 in Mannheim

Chordate presents Ozilia™ (formerly K.O.S) and the migraine study PM007 at the Deutsche Schmerzkongress from October 18 to 21 in Mannheim, an annual congress for the German Pain Physicians Association with approximately 3,500 members.

"Germany is an important focus market for the company, and we are noticing an entirely new level of interest from the delegates at the congress. It is evident that awareness of Ozilia™ is spreading more and more, and our offering is highly relevant," says Anders Weilandt, CEO of Chordate Medical.

The study is being presented at the congress as posters by Dr. Charly Gaul and Dr. Florian Rimmele, two of the five study leaders in the German part of the study. Dr. Gaul also introduced Ozilia™ as a drug-free alternative in his lecture.

"We continuously receive numerous leads from clinics that want to learn more about Ozilia™ and also wish to start offering the treatment to their patients, both in Germany and on our other key markets," says Anders Weilandt.

Datum 2023-10-20, kl 11:13
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