Chordate's migraine study is presented at the IHC 2023 headache congress in Seoul

Chordate has been invited to present the K.O.S migraine treatment on the international stage, this time at the prestigious IHC 2023 congress, International Headache Congress, held in Seoul, Korea, from September 14-17, 2023. Dr. Hoffmann, one of the coordinating investigators for PM007, will present the results of the study on the K.O.S effect on individuals with chronic migraine in a poster presentation. Chordate will also be present as an exhibitor during the congress.

The IHC 2023 congress is organized every other year by the International Headache Society, IHS, in various locations around the world. This time, it is in Seoul, Korea, which is the first time the event has been held in Asia since 2005.

“The interest in the study and its results is significant within the migraine field. Being part of this congress is an excellent opportunity for us to inform about K.O.S as a treatment method to the absolute forefront of the migraine field worldwide," says Anders Weilandt, CEO of Chordate.

IHS is an international professional organization based in the UK that collaborates with others to benefit individuals affected by headache disorders. As a charity, the purpose of IHS is to advance headache science, education, and management, and to promote headache awareness worldwide.

More information about the congress:
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Datum 2023-08-09, kl 08:30
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