Chordate Presents Ozilia at Pharma Partnering EU Summit 2024

Chordate Medical's CEO, Anders Weilandt, will present the company and the migraine treatment Ozilia at Pharma Partnering EU Summit in Basel, Switzerland, on May 22–23. The congress gathers leading figures from around the world, primarily within the pharmaceutical industry, focusing on licensing, commercialization, investment, and other partnership opportunities.

"Unlike other investment conferences we participate in, this one is focused on the pharmaceutical industry, where we know there is substantial interest in innovations like Ozilia. The goal is to come away with a number of promising leads to follow up on," says Anders Weilandt.

Chordate's participation in the Pharma Partnering EU Summit is part of the company's efforts to increase awareness about the company and Ozilia in various industry and investor segments.

"The company's exit strategy is based on how the entire medtech industry has evolved in recent years – large players increasingly acquire smaller development companies that have demonstrated proof of concept and market potential, rather than developing innovative treatments themselves. This is especially true for the pharmaceutical industry."

Read more about the Pharma Partnering EU Summit 2024

Datum 2024-05-15, kl 08:30
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