Chordate Medical's CEO Anders Weilandt interviewed about year-end report by Finwire

Yesterday, March 25th, Chordate's CEO Anders Weilandt presented the company's financial report for 2023 on Finwire TV. He also answered questions from viewers, discussing, among other things, the company's efforts to raise awareness about the migraine treatment Ozilia among established investors in the life science sector:

"We have made 4-5 quite substantial efforts during the autumn at international migraine congresses. It has generated a substantial number of leads with prominent interest from various countries. When it comes to our target markets, we work on that directly from Stockholm first, and make sure to establish contact. Then we work together with our market access consultants in each country and/or distributors to continue the process. This has been ongoing throughout the autumn and is still ongoing now, and more results from this will be coming very soon."

Anders also specifically discussed the interest in Ozilia at Swiss Nordic Bio, and the plan going forward:

"We received very good feedback and had many interesting meetings. We will continue to devote a lot of time to this type of partner and investor meetings in an organized manner. We had a presence at another congress in Amsterdam a few weeks earlier, and there are a few more coming up during the spring. Marketing ourselves in that environment is part of the work to fulfill the strategic plan."

Watch the full interview

Datum 2024-03-26, kl 11:35
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