Chordate Medical receives its first installation of the Ozilia migraine treatment at a private clinic in Hamburg

Chordate Medical has secured an agreement for the immediate installation of equipment and consumables for the Ozilia treatment for chronic migraines. The agreement was reached through the company's marketing consultants in Germany. The customer is a private specialist clinic in Hamburg.

“It is very satisfying to achieve a breakthrough in Germany as it is one of the markets we are focusing on. This will undoubtedly make it easier to continue converting prospects into orders in Germany. The agreement came about thanks to the skilled work of our German market experts,” says Anders Weilandt, CEO of Chordate.
Chronic migraines in Germany
Migraine is one of the most common diseases globally, with approximately 12.5 million people in Germany suffering from migraines in some form. That's about one in seven Germans. Globally, it affects around 1.2 billion people. Between 1.5 and 1.8 million Germans have chronic migraines. Migraine and headache care in the country are among the most advanced in Europe, and the market for migraine medications is one of the largest in the world. These conditions where part of the reason why Chordate conducted its recently concluded clinical study in Germany.

Datum 2023-11-27, kl 08:53
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