Catella AB divests its partnership with Infrahubs

Catella AB divests its 50 percent holding in Infrahubs AB and associated project companies for a purchase price of the total invested capital in return plus SEK 12 million for the value of the platform and assets. The divestment will have a positive effect on profit after tax, of approximately SEK 12 million during the second half of 2023.

In June 2020, Catella announced its partnership with Infrahubs AB with the common objective of developing logistics properties with automated warehouse management processes. Within the portfolio, modern logistics properties successfully have been developed, fully let, and sold in Norrköping. Örebro, Vaggeryd, Jönköping and Ljungby, all in southern Sweden.
Catella will retain its 40 percent holding and continue to finance the property developed in Jönköping, fully let to Svenska Retursystem (SRS) and other entities relating to historical projects until the time of sale and legal obligations are fulfilled.
All rights and obligations relating to future projects are transferred to the existing partners of Infrahubs AB.
Together with Infrahubs we have successfully contributed to the Swedish market's needs for sustainable logistics solutions according to our ambition with the partnership. We wish Infrahubs the best as they continue their growth journey developing modern logistics properties in Sweden”, says Christoffer Abramson, CEO and President at Catella Group.

Datum 2023-07-24, kl 11:40
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