BrainCool AB (publ): Utilization of BrainCell in Thrombectomy following Acute Ischemic Stroke: A Scientific Clinical Study" has now been released in the Journal of Stroke & Vascular Neurology


BrainCell is a uniqe combination of the use of RhinoChill® och BrainCool™ System.

The study, titled "COmbination of Targeted Temperature Management and Thrombectomy after acute Ischemic Stroke (COTTIS)," presents a groundbreaking approach that holds the potential to revolutionize stroke treatment protocols. The results of this pioneering study, released just yesterday 1), showcase the remarkable synergistic effects of combining targeted temperature management and thrombectomy techniques. These findings not only offer new insights into enhancing post-stroke care but also hold promising implications for regulatory approval in Germany and other countries. The COTTIS1 study marks a pivotal moment in stroke research, raising optimism for improved outcomes for acute ischemic stroke patients worldwide.

CEO Martin Waleij comments

“We are happy to share a notable breakthrough in acute ischemic stroke research as the pilot results of the COTTIS1 study have been published in the prestigious Journal of Stroke & Vascular Neurology. Our attention has now shifted towards backing the upcoming COTTIS2 trial, scheduled to commence in September across five sites in Germany.”

Datum 2023-08-24, kl 10:16
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