BrainCool AB (publ): New order for 25 IQool™ System in the US


Update US market for IQool™ System

BrainCool has received an order for 25 IQool Systems from the company's distributor for the US market (ref 1), with an order value in the range of SEK 8-9 million.
In the reorganization effort our operations in the US, have 5 FTE left the company, furthermore our head of clinical support will join our distributors organization to work with our product October 1, 2023.

CEO Martin Waleij comments
- “We have had a very good start to the launch through a distributor and are now building a solid foundation for establishing the product as the market leader in the US.”

1. ZOLL Expands Temperature Management Portfolio to Include IQool™ System, High-Quality Surface Option - ZOLL Medical

Datum 2023-08-30, kl 08:40
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