BrainCool AB (publ): New CPT Code from AMA for Cooral® System supports Pathway to Reimbursement in the U.S.


BrainCool AB reports that the American Medical Association (AMA) have announced the approval of a new Current Procedural Terminology (CPT®) code for reduction of complications associated with oral mucositis in patients undergoing chemotherapy, thereby creating a clear path for reimbursement of the Cooral® System.
The new CPT code, an action resulted from the AMA CPT Editorial Panel’s September 21st - 23rd 2023 meeting, will become effective for use in 2024, and establishing a pathway for widespread adoption and reimbursement. Worth highlighting is that the code application was included by the CPT Committee as a ‘consent’ application. Meaning the application was approved without further discussions and a vote.
CEO Martin Waleij comments
-” This is a major milestone for Cooral® System, and most of all for patients suffering from oral mucositis as a result from cancer treatment. It further recognizes BrainCool’s innovative technology of Cooral® System, with the creation of a new unique procedure category”.

Datum 2023-09-22, kl 10:59
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