BrainCool AB (publ): BrainCool AB partners with Wallaby Medical with the objective to launch into the Chinese stroke market

  • BrainCool is to establish a stroke thrombectomy clinical study in China, to pave the way for market approval of NeuroChill and BrainCool™ System.
  • BrainCool enters into a cooperation with Wallaby Medical (ref 1), a major player in the neurothrombectomy space, to establish distribution channels in China.
  • The clinical study is with three major Chinese university hospitals, having Beijing Tiantan hospital as leading site, which lead the ANGEL-ASPECT clinical study in thrombectomy in severe stroke published in the New England Journal of Medicine earlier this year (ref 2).

BrainCool AB (publ) was established in May 2014, with a focus on developing innovative, breakthrough, and clinically validated target temperature management technologies and solutions for the treatment of cardiovascular and neurovascular diseases. The company´s first product to market, BrainCool™ System, has been established as one of three high quality targeted temperature management (TTM) products on the market in the US, EU and selected market in Asia.

BrainCool’s mission within the stroke field is to become the medical technology company that improves the most lives affected by stroke. BrainCool has a strong track record of bringing advanced TTM technology to patients, thus allowing more patients to benefit from high-quality TTM treatment. One of the company’s prioritized goals is to bring the world’s first TTM-product based stroke therapy to patients globally, by combining TTM treatment and thrombectomy.

BrainCool AB has initiated a collaboration with Wallaby Medical, a major player in medical technologies in stroke (reference 1), with the objective to launch into the stroke market in China. This collaboration aims to deliver a local clinical trial at three major Chinese university hospitals, that combines TTM treatment with thrombectomy and to pave the way for market registration in China for BrainCool's two TTM medical device offerings: the NeuroChill System and the BrainCool™ System.
The parties have agreed on a Memorandum of Understanding to negotiate the terms and conditions for a distribution agreement based on the outcome of the clinical trials. The aim is to create strong distribution channels for both products in China's rapidly expanding neurology market, currently the fastest growing market in the world within this field.

CEO Martin Waleij comments
“The mission of BrainCool is straightforward: to be the first TTM company to bring a new stroke therapy to stroke patients globally. We have defined a clinical trial in with leading Chinese hospitals and we have also agreed to collaborate with Wallaby Medical on the market in China. Final terms and conditions of the terms and conditions for distribution will be assessed based on the results of the upcoming clinal trial in China, and also of the Cottis 2 study.”

1. Wallaby Acquires German Neurovascular Leader Phenox to Accelerate Global Expansion

2. Trial of Endovascular Therapy for Acute Ischemic Stroke with Large Infarct

Datum 2023-08-30, kl 12:10
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