Record date for dividend


As previously announced, Bilia's board has proposed a dividend to the shareholders of SEK 5.60 (6.60) per share for the financial year 2024. The dividend proposal is that the dividend will be paid out four times quarterly with SEK 1.40.

The proposed record dates for dividends are Tuesday April 29, 2025, Monday July 7, 2025, Monday October 6, 2025, and Wednesday January 7, 2026. If the annual general meeting decides according to the proposal, payment is expected to take place on Monday May 5, 2025, Thursday July 10, 2025, Thursday October 9, 2025, and Monday January 12, 2026.

Gothenburg, February 25, 2025

Bilia AB (publ)

Datum 2025-02-25, kl 15:00
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