Bilia signs a partnership agreement with Polestar

Bilia has today entered into a partnership agreement with Polestar Sweden. The agreement means that Bilia becomes an overall partner to Polestar within service and sales of passenger cars. Initially, we will offer new car sales at our facilities in Malmö, Eskilstuna and Västerås. We continue to offer service as before at all our authorized Volvo facilities.
”We are happy and enthusiastic to enter into this partnership agreement and thereby broaden our customer offering. We already work with Polestar today in our service workshops and are very much looking forward to growing this business further through increased sales in our own distribution channels, traditional as well as digital. We are convinced that when Polestar now further develops its business model and sales, by expanding its physical and geographical expansion, it will strengthen the Polestar brand and the experience for our mutual customers”, says Mathias Nilsson, CEO Bilia Personbilar AB.
”Polestar is growing strongly in Sweden in both sales volume and increased market shares and new retail locations. We will build on that success with our new, luxurious SUVs Polestar 3 and Polestar 4. Therefore, we are very happy to be able to add Bilia as a new and strategically important partner on our journey as we continue to expand and reach new customers in the Swedish market”, says Gustav Freij, Head of Sweden at Polestar.
Gothenburg, December 16, 2024
Bilia AB (publ)

Datum 2024-12-16, kl 08:00
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