Bilia refinances its current credit facility of SEK 2.3 billion

Bilia has today refinanced its current revolving loan and credit facility of SEK 2,300 M with final maturity during the first quarter of 2025. The new credit facility which amounts to SEK 2,300 M, whereof SEK 1,700 M revolving loans and SEK 600 M overdraft, has substantially unchanged terms. The revolving credits have a term of 3 years with possibility of extension with one year plus one year after creditors’ approval. DNB and Nordea are lenders. The loan agreement together with outstanding unsecured bonds of SEK 1.3 billion constitute an essential part of Bilia’s long-term basic financing.

Gothenburg, March 27, 2024

Bilia AB (publ)

Datum 2024-03-27, kl 15:00
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